Lighten Your Life - Fall 1996
by Marilyn Redmond

"What we think, what we put our mind to work upon, to live upon, to feed upon, to live with. to abide with, that our soul body becomes." - A Search for God. Book I. p. 187

"For as he thinketh, so is he. " - Prov. 23:7

Altered Attitudes

"God, please help me. I really don't want to die!", I prayed with nothing left to lose when I believed 1 was not going to make it home alive. Fear of the unknown became less than the desire to live.

Emotionally and spiritually dead inside, I looked good to others. Happiness did not come from graduating at the top of my class, God, no more karma {or this life time. Please!

Performing flute solos, pursuing a career, or being married. I masked my despair successively to everyone as a victim of abuse, battering, and addictions. My miserable life was out of control and painful. I tried everything I could to improve it. Realizing that changing others did not improve my life, I accepted the responsibility to change myself. Launching into unknown waters, I began my search for truth.

Doors opened for transforming my despair, violence and disease. One tool was affirmations. Consciously I identified those that acknowledged the true -me. This took time but was rewarding. I placed a list on my bathroom mirror and bedroom wall. When driving to work or before bedtime my tapes provided audio input. This created daily conscious exposure necessary to ingrain the new messages.

I am a happy child of God affirms a truthful attitude that encourages a rational, loving point of view. With appropriate action, it brings gifts of joy.

Keep the menial altitude in the constructive forces that make for knowing thai the body is not only good but good for something. And apply self in those ways and manners thai are known to the menial body, and we will find the physical forces, the menial reactions, continually helpful. 906-2 F.545 I 36

This column promotes Edgar Cayce's readings applied to practical living. I encourage questions! For more information e-mail me

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