Lighten Your Life - Spring 2000
by Marilyn Redmond

Know that the Creative Energy called God may be as personal as an individual will allow same to be; for the Spirit is in the image of the Creative Forces and seeks manifestation. It may take that personality that personal activity that will be allowed by the individual itself; for we are co-laborers, co-creators with that Energy we call God, that Energy we call Universal Forces. 391-4

The vibratory force is the active principle all radiates from. 195-54

A New Life Style

Many facets comprise Spirituality in Action. For me it means that it is my responsibility to search for the truth to restore my spirit into oneness with my Creator. In addition, my soul needs to express through creating my individuality and purpose. This is balance. Finding the intangible truth that sets me free to manifest in my life as tangible evidence of all unseen things challenges my faith and trust. Therefore, I need to experience my reality without any pretense or reservations. I live in the Christ Consciousness for this new millennium.

My truth changes, because the nature of truth evolves. Over the last fourteen years, I understand the need for an open mind to this shift in consciousness. Surprisingly, "my church God" became God of the Universe, and continues to progress. Awareness of unfolding, understanding, and replacing the tangible labels for the intangible knowledge it represents as vibrations is a major step for me. I am at a consciousness described by Edgar Cayce as knowing that vibrations in nature called electricity are the substance of the same force realized as Creative or God in action.

My sins, errors, can change by my mind being the builder to support this evolution. My positive energy connects me with the Christ Conscious spirit. I need to remove any blocks and barriers to my relationship with my Higher Power. Then creating from my talents and co-creating my life brings me into oneness with an identity. This is a tough assignment and also an adventure.

I believe that in the new millennium we will recognize more truth about the aspects of this Creative Energy as described in this quotation:

The spirit of light, of hope, of desire to know truth, must be greater than that man has called scientific proof, and yet it is the science of light, of truth, of love, of hope, of desire, of God. 5023-2

Truth for me removes the limitations set by man, his laws, and science. Living shifts to The Universal Laws as the principles to guide my life. Science can support my life rather than be the focus. Therefore, changing my focus to be introspective through prayer and meditation prevails over external diversions.

My recent trip to the Andes in Chile was a step for truth and co-creation. First, I honestly identified the fear I felt in my mother's womb, upon which I built my existence. I assumed her terror, guilt, shame and added my own. I finally understood building my house on sand. After years of sorting the truth from the false, it became time and necessary to replace inappropriate messages and emotions at the soul level.

I was led to a relevant place Termas de Panqui, with an ARE group in December, 1999 to accomplish this feat. I knew I was there for a reason. I did not know why until I received therapy. The old emotions and messages were replaced with feelings of unconditional love, safety, and peace like I would have felt in a more healthy womb. My firm foundation has replaced the sand.

Life is, in all its manifestations in every animate force, Creative Force in action; and is the love of expression-or expressing that life; truth becoming a result of life's love expressed. For, these are but names-unless experienced in the consciousness of each soul. 262-46

The greater soul development that may be for any soul is to be less and less self, less and less with any material desire, but more and more in accord with the Christ, the Holy One, the Life, the Manifestation of all those things that have been said to be impractical as related to materiality; yet, they are the real, the true things in the experiences of every soul. 410-2

This column promotes Edgar Cayce's readings applied to practical living. I encourage questions! For more information e-mail me

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