Lighten Your Life - Winter 2000
by Marilyn Redmond

  A Millennium Challenge

My seasoning springs from growth. In my case, I needed to grow from an emotional three-year-old into maturity. This is a mixed blessing that I related in the last column. I was old enough to understand the irrational behavior and immature dynamics as I grew spiritually into higher consciousness. For without passing through each and every stage of development there is not the correct vibration to become one with the Creator.

I believe the new millennium is about living in higher vibrations and oneness with our higher power. This experience brings me into prosperity, abundance and healthiness. Sorting out the truth from the false in all parts of my being is essential for my spiritual growth. Rigorous honesty connects me to God. I found this means looking into other existences (past lives) with my current one. The reward is worth the effort.

Illness or any kind causes discordant vibrations, Cayce said. Higher vibrations can heal trauma, illness, pain and emotions through regression and releasing earthbound entities. Their influence becomes freed when bringing these conditions into the light of their origin. I believe that vibrational healing is the new focus of medicine in the new millennium.

Cayce also said, Know in self all that has happened, and that may happen in thy experience in the earth is an opportunity that ye may know the Lord thy God is one Lord. When root causes of repeated behavior become exposed, it releases the power to stop its repetition. This brings our consciousness and subconsciousness into healthiness. Since my training with Henry Leo Bolduc in regression therapy, I better understand how past lessons are to heal our current energy and soul. It breaks the pattern of being ego-based into a loving basis of motivation.

While in an experimental session in Virginia this May, I had an exceptional event occur. They told my partner and me to look into the others' eyes. The room was quite dark, but still I could see her blinking and closing her eyes. At first I thought she was not following directions. "I am sorry I could not keep my eyes open all the time," she told me. "Your aura is 3/4 of an inch of gold all around you and extends so brightly, I could not keep my eyes open. Your feathers are marvelous," she added.

This was my glimpse of the next millennium. Feeling so light and joyous is awesome. In study groups each week we work to apply the information of Edgar Cayce — gifts of life and living in this higher consciousness.

As Cayce said, 'The mind is the builder." Now is the time to use our minds to clear away any vibrations blocking us from health, happiness, and the oneness with our Creator in the new millennium. The only one who can do this is you. The only one who is hurt by not doing it is you. Join us on the new path into heaven on earth.

All strength, all healing of every nature is the changing of the vibrations from within, the attuning of the divine within the living tissue of a body to Creative Energies This alone is healing.

This column promotes Edgar Cayce's readings applied to practical living. I encourage questions! For more information e-mail me

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