Audio Sessions...

New Understanding for Health Issues
    Holistic Health information offers new understanding for health issues from a different point of view than traditional protocol. Marilyn shares her experience and knowledge about the history and dynamics of holistic health. She discusses Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Health and Dr. Albert Schweitzer. She shares methods that support holistic health like regression and energy raising techniques as flower essences. Accessing a higher energy, as inferred by Albert Einstein, to heal a problem is found in meditation. Identifying the root cause of the medical, emotional, or relationship condition is the key to resolving the malady. The body will restore itself to health. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person are addressed for balance and harmony. When the origin is determined and healed, there are no symptoms to medicate or often no need for surgery. The client can return to wholeness and health.

    ~Click here to listen.~

Helping Yourself to Heal
    Linda Hanna-Schiller at the Seabeck Conference introduces Marilyn, March 2009. Marilyn shares about her praying to God for a solution to heal her life. She received "Three Gifts from God": 1. Meditation Skills. 2. Knowledge about Flower Essences to move energy. 3. Regression Skills. She created Therapeutic Hypnosis.

    Marilyn reads poems that set the stage for her finding a process for recovery from her book, "Roses Have Thorns. " She shares the value of meditation, flower essences, and regression. Marilyn shares her awesome experience of a treatment and its benefits. She found 'illness is a conscious choice'.

    Marilyn's master in Tibet calls to help her release her arthritis and explain answers for her. In addition, she explains Dr. Bach's role in finding pure energy to create an emotional flow in the body.

    It is all about a shift in awareness that reveals hidden information. Regression is a form of meditation. Edgar Cayce used hypnosis for releasing his laryngitis. Fear manifests illness. Past Life Regression can find the origin of the issues being healed at a soul level. In healing addictions or other issues the answers during hypnosis, expose the origin, and loving ways to heal. Claim your Love based life and move out of fear and illness.

    ~Click here to listen.~

Ego to Heart
    Marilyn talks about moving from the ego's fear in your head into your heart. She shares personal stories, quotes from the "Course in Miracles", and inspiration to change your life by changing your beliefs of the ego. Your fear is an illusion which does not support a loving life. Thoughts are things and you can change them. You can change the cause and effect in your being. She comes to understand that her life has been lived from her survival, in addition to her parent's survival. Through growing into her emotional and financial security, she no longer needs to be a workaholic to survive, but to live in the peace and love of the day accomplishing only what is necessary and enjoyable.

    ~Click here to listen.~

Emotional Recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous
    Marilyn explains how passages from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous helped her to open up to a bigger picture of who she is and how her life can evolve into the "Great Reality" of love. Moving from fear to love has allowed her to thaw her emotions into flowing through, allowing her feelings to provide guidance for her life. The presence of God is "feeling good".

    ~Click here to listen.~

A New Freedom
    Marilyn imparts the twelve-steps to "A New Freedom" at an Al-Anon workshop. She shares information and her experiences that were necessary for moving out of co-dependency.

    ~Click here to listen.~

Marilyn's Al-Anon Story
    Marilyn shares her story of how she got to Al-Anon and how it has helped her find sanity and happiness. She tells what it was like, what she did, and how it is now in her life.

    ~Click here to listen.~

Listen in and enjoy my most memorable interviews!
With my 50 years of teaching experience, I am here to assist others in finding a new direction, one that encourages innovative and creative thinking.

Date Topic of Discussion Listen
05/03/2011 Past Life Regression - Marilyn explains regression and past life regression. More awareness brings a happier and healthier life. That through finding the blocks that stop your energy from flowing, you move into the love that is within. Listen
02/09/10 Explanations to Many Questions about Spirituality - Marilyn enlightens listeners about the other side, the dynamics of life, angels, guides, and answers questions from listeners. This is the discussion not to miss. She speaks on the second hour of the Ken Hudnall Show (2-9-2010) Tuesday March 9, 2010, which is also available on the internet at: Listen
12/03/10 Don't Argue for Your Limitations - Identifying the root cause of the problem removes the symptoms through Therapeutic Hypnosis. Releasing the origin raises you above the issues. Moving beyond the traditional view of illnesses and emotional problems. Listen
02/07/07 No Child Left Behind - On "Shannon's Corner" I discussed "No Child Left Behind." I brought many important educational issues to light. With my 50 years of teaching experience, I am here to assist others in finding a new direction, one that encourages innovative and creative thinking. Listen

Anorexia - Gail Sinclair of "Steps To Manage" interviewed me as a holistic health counselor focusing on Anorexia. This interview highlights the process for recovery and regaining your life.
