Letter to the Editor: Vaccine
The Government Has Sealed Vaccine-Related Records

Dear Editor,

There are things that the government does not want you to know. For example, the Justice Department has moved to seal the vaccine-related records of the nearly 1,000 cases of vaccine-damaged children now before the special master of the federal court who hears vaccine injury compensation cases. In the face of a stunning government concession that vaccination led to autism in a vulnerable child, Hannah Polling, even with the obscene protection afforded to it by the Congress against lawsuits and liability, the huge vaccination industry has no wish to see the evidence circulate from highly documented vaccine injury cases.

They might not face lawsuits as a consequence of that information, but who would allow their toxic brews to be injected into themselves and their children if they knew what those sad cases might reveal: that vaccines are far worse than a cruel hoax, they present known danger -- a risk of unreasonable proportions -- with no benefit other than the financial one to their purveyors.

The insurance industry knows this; that is why even big pharmacy companies cannot ensure against vaccine harm. It is an uninsurable risk.

Solid information about the big vaccine lie is the last thing this powerful force wants revealed. This information is taken from the Natural Solutions Foundation, Rima E. Laibow, M.D. For more information read: "The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is not Immunization" by Tim O'Shea

Marilyn Redmond
Edgewood, WA

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