News Release - Addictions
Substituting Prescriptions for Alcohol is Dangerous
Edgewood, WA  98372

September 26 2005

Beware! Increasing the sale of drugs and growing profits are motivating the drug companies to promote prescriptions as an alternative to Alcoholism. Facts are lacking in many articles and information provided to the public about the disease of Alcoholism.

The truth is drug companies are trying to sell more drugs to replace potential lost revenues from the sale of the liquid drug of liquor companies. “The market potential is big. The NIAAA [National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism] estimates about 18 million Americans are dependent on or abuse alcohol, with more than two million adults seeking treatment each year.” Mail Tribune Newspaper, September 14, 2005

Replacing one drug with another does not make a person clear-headed or rational. In addition, a predisposed person with unbalanced chemistry in their body, but continuing “using” or drinking any drug over time leads to death or insanity. This is according to the American Medical Association in their description of Alcoholism. Of course, there is no drinking when you substitute one drug for another in pill form, but the illness continues without the actual use of alcohol. Appropriate treatment is available without substituting one addiction for another. Removing all addictions, not changing them is the solution.

The public has been mislead to think drugs will fix everything. In fact stuffing and suppressing the symptoms through prescriptions may deter healing, creating more problems in time. This means the patient continues returning to the doctor and buying more pills without restored health. Scores of alcoholics have returned to drinking from prescribed tablets, anesthetics from surgery, and misdiagnoses.

Medical help in acute occurrences or antibiotics type of medications are desirable. However, chronic illness and mental illness are not generally understood and drugs actually may impede healthiness in some cases. Perpetuating patients and drug purchase is the major concern in medicine and the drug companies. Withholding information may preclude recovery and wellness. Restricted coverage by medical insurance also encourages this strategy. Supporting or including alternative methods threatens their existence.

Appropriate assistance and therapy is available. Often, addiction information is not included in training or workshops for doctors. Counselors in successful recovery understand the process necessary. In addition, 12-step programs are more than a behavioral treatment. They address the roots and conditions of the disease instead of anesthetizing the symptoms. This program has worked for millions with out any price tag for seventy-five years. Let us eradicate the misinformation and encourage a solution that restores those in the pain of Alcoholism to health.

Dr. George Zerr, a psychiatrist now retired, told me, “ You understand addiction better than most doctors”. As a sober person for over twenty years and now a counselor, I am completing a book that sets the record straight on many diseases and illnesses. I am available to speak. My experience and counseling alcoholics and those with other illnesses provides real solutions for healthy recoveries that are drug free.

Reverend Marilyn Redmond, CHT, IBRT. BA in Education, Registered Counselor, and ordained minister

She is a member of the National Speakers Association, American Board of Hypnotherapy, International Board of Regression Therapy, and American Counseling Association. She taught in colleges, wellness centers, international speaker and writer, and counsels people to find their inner strength and consciousness for health, healing, and empowerment. Her radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, and her radio and TV appearances are big successes.

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