News Release
Declared Sane after stopping Bipolar Disorder Medications
Edgewood, WA  98372
December 28, 2009

The side effects of prescriptions may be worse than the diagnosed disorder. That was the reason Marilyn Redmond stopped taking drugs. In fact, she realized that medications were blocking her progress out of Bipolar Disorder. She currently has over six years without any medications in her life and her psychiatrist has declared her sane.

After employing alternative methods that were not toxic to her system, she found that the drugs were creating difficulty for her to function in a normal manner. Healing methods promoting rational thinking and behaviors in addition to prayer and meditation provided her with sane thoughts and the normal life she was pursuing.

In the past, most people were under the impression that Bipolar Disorder would be a life long ailment. Often it is destructive to relationships, careers, can wreak havoc on family life, and is a potentially fatal disease. According to Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Health, "There are in truth no incurable conditions."

Research now proves this out. Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev now has scientifically proven that affirmations along with meditation/ hypnosis (another term for meditation) will raise consciousness, increase well-being, and balance chemistry in individuals even changing DNA. Bipolar Disorder is no longer a lifetime sentence.

Over time working with holistic counseling that uses therapeutic hypnosis and other energy raising tools suggested by Pjotr Garjajev, people are finding a new life free of their past debilitating illness. With the help of an appropriate counselor that works with the body, mind, and spirit, changes in emotions, attitudes, and a new life style release the root causes and conditions of this disease. Marilyn Redmond says, "With new life skills and a spiritual daily program, the old mood swings minimized into reality, after discontinuing medication. Fortunately my psychiatrist supported being off medications."

In addition, Marilyn found in releasing and healing her trauma and fear, called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, she become centered and grounded, "I believe, that PSTD was the catalyst below the Bipolar Disorder." Marilyn shared. Her choice was a personal decision. Since medications affect each person differently, this might not be good for everyone.

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