News Release
Heal Your Depression Without Pills
Edgewood, WA  98372

October 12, 2007

Taking responsibility for your health is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Create your new life of wholeness and joy. A diagnosis does not have to be a life sentence.

Most professionals offer counseling and medications for those experiencing depression, mental illness, and other difficulties. This is the typical trend. However, Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev now has scientifically proven that affirmations along with meditation/ hypnosis (another term for meditation) will raise consciousness, well-being, and even change DNA. Therefore, it is possible to overcome the chemical imbalance of a chronically depressed person.

Healing the toxic chemistry created from unique fears and negative emotions manifests wellness and self-love claims the eminent John H. Tilden, M.D. in his book, Toxemia-The Basic Cause of Disease. When the physiology comes into balance, medication is no longer needed.

It has been six years since I no longer required the medication Zoloft for depression. This process has also worked for other chemical imbalances in my system as Bipolar Disorder and Alcoholism. I am healthier and happier in my retired age, medicine free, than I ever was as a younger person on many prescriptions.

You choose to create health when you heal the causes and conditions that manifest in any illness or malady. Many are following my example of finding balance through Holistic Health and help with Therapeutic Hypnosis. It is a joy for me to help others find new options that work. Through speaking, seminars, counseling and completing my second book, I hope people will find their answers and solutions. I believe this process will work for any dilemma.

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