News Release
Holistic Health is Cheaper and More Effective
Edgewood, WA  98372
December 29, 2007

Groundbreaking techniques to restore health below the superficial band-aid of treating symptoms with drugs brings real recovery. Regaining control of your life through Therapeutic Hypnosis and Holistic Counseling is now possible. Current research data proves that well-being and quality of life is improved through hypnosis, prayer and meditation. For several years many people as Dr. Larry Dossey and Deepak Chopra have written and talked on this dimension of healing.

Holistic tools create stability and confidence in your life bringing wholeness. A healthy life style integrates your new awareness and changes false beliefs. Healing life's problems, including health issues are no longer the mystery they once were. These concepts offer results that work.

Suzan Walter, M.B.A. is co-founder and current president of the American Holistic Health Association. She says that, "Rather than just eliminating or masking symptoms, the symptom is used as a guide to look below the surface for the root cause. Whenever possible treatments are selected that support the body's natural healing system. Applying the mind/body/spirit principles of holistic health is facilitated by a balancing of personal responsibility and self-empowerment."

When you seize accountability of your life, encouraging healthy consequences are your reward like peace of mind, wholeness, good health, and loving relationships. No longer a victim from toxic solutions from the medical field you find victory in overcoming the old state of mind. Why would you want to continue in the self-sabotage and frustration, when different solutions can replace the problem? Even your professional and social life improves.

Marilyn Redmond, B.A., IBRT, CHT, is trained in helping people identify and shift their sensitivity to a genuine understanding of life and releasing the blocks to happiness. As a Registered Counselor, consultant and Therapeutic Hypnotherapist she promotes your potential, beyond your past or current roadblocks.

"My proficiency is to support your recovery in all types of delicate difficulties as relationships, core issues, illnesses, diseases, addictions as alcoholism, domestic/school violence, rape, PTSD and more. Your life is precious and valued. Claim you health, healing, and happiness, today! I encourage you to 'Be Yourself'."

Holistic Health is an alternative path to balance your mind, body, and soul into harmony. "I found this path to be cheaper, faster and more effective than typical procedures, " states Marilyn.

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