News Release
New Information About the Chakras is Revealed
Edgewood, WA  98372
March 16, 2009

Reverend Marilyn Redmond will explain for the first time innovative insights for understanding the role of the chakras which is in her forthcoming book, "Secrets to Life and Living: Let the Real You Out." Hear newly uncovered information about these energy centers and other advanced metaphysical knowledge combined into a new perception for raising your spirit into the 5th dimension of grace for the coming times.

Her new information is the topic of the ARE Glad Helpers program for Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment. On April 18, 2009 in Seattle, WA, the program is from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The fee is by donation and lunch is provided by donations, also.

A healthy lifestyle comes from cause rather than treating the symptoms which are the consequences from the origin of the condition. This innovative information explains a new perception for understanding how to heal your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life into wholeness. The symptoms of illness or problems can be indictors of your own faulty thinking and behavior. Changing to being at cause is a powerful approach to living, bringing as rewards happiness, peace, health, and prosperity from right thinking.

This day workshop includes new insights from Reverend Marilyn's personal experiences in healing numerous conditions, addictions, and mental illness. Exploring your chakras' levels of functioning, and exercises to support their optimal performance is an important part of the workshop. This allows you to shift your focus from the pain, suffering, and illness of the body to spirit. It is possible to have a life without dis-ease when you decide to change your focus. When you accept your spiritual nature there is wholeness, health, and abundance.

Reverend Marilyn Redmond is an international consultant, speaker, and spiritual counselor. She is an award winning international writer and syndicated columnist. Her first book is "Roses Have Thorns, Encouragement on Evolving from Pain to Joy". She was inducted into "Who's Who for Professionals and Executives" for her innovation and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy.

Her powerful seminars, college classes, and media appearances on television and radio are always a happy success. Space is limited for this extraordinary event, so call to save your place.


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