Letter to the Editor: Diversity
Re: "The Bible's word on Homosexuality Is From God, Not From Christians" (Letters, 8/23)

Dear Editor,

Reverend wishes to clarify that the Bible was written by humans, not God Re: "The Bible's word on homosexuality is from God, not from Christians" (Letter, 8/23)

I counted over 99 versions of the Bible listed on the Internet.

These translations use a certain restricted vocablary for the people in a particular culture/language to read. For an easy example there are four meanings for the word love in the original, but in the English language we only use the one word for all those meanings.

If you check history, no words were written down at the time of Jesus. Everything was word of mouth and passed on as word of mouth.

Nothing was written on papyrus until around 70 years after Jesus died which was remembered words passed down from the original people that were living at the time of Jesus. This could be called channeling.

Channeling by definition: The divine, inspired words (or energy) of God as imparted to humans by humans. This definition is what channeling actually is. That means that not only were most of the sacred scriptures of the planet (all religions) channeled originally, but also much artwork and music too. It is absolutely com­monplace. God did not write the Bible. Humans did, while divinely inspired.

When we change our heart to be like Jesus we too can die to our ego's desires of selfish, self-centered-ness, and fear into the grace of God that is loving, com­passionate, caring and giving to others which we call Heaven. Then we live forever with our Creator.

My job is to improve my life; God's job is to judge my progress. To me the two commandments: to love God with all our hearts, mind and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves is what the Bible is teaching.

Marilyn Redmond
Edgewood, WA

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