Letter to the Editor: Natural Alternatives for Pain
Pain Is Telling Your Body There Is Something Wrong

Dear Editor,

The real problem is that pain is telling your body there is something wrong. The pain is the symptom and not the cause. Medications do not address the origin of the pain. You can not cure a symptom, because below the symptom is the real cause. People deaden their pain with medicine which is proven toxic to our body and does not address the actual dis-ease.

I am drug-free after taking medication to stop my pain for years. My thinking became clear and lucid to deal with my emotions which the pills suppressed. The genuine imbalances of the body can be addressed and healed; without the source there are no longer symptoms to drug. I have learned how to avoid chronic pain and thrive without medications. The question is when will a person be ready to give up the pain and address the underlying cause.

There are natural options in alternative medicine. Recently I had a client who was enduring pain from tooth surgery. Two different prescriptions had not alleviated the situation. In about 15 minuets of hypnotism, the hurting left. Some pain is more complex taking longer, but hypnosis is only one alternative to a cheaper, faster, non-toxic way to relieve the actual cause. Dr. John Tilden, M.D, says,”Man makes his own diseases…He and his subconscious alone can bring about health.”

Marilyn Redmond
Edgewood, WA

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