News Releases -

After a hilarious introduction, she talks about moving from the ego's fear in your head into your heart. She shares personal stories, quotes from the "Course in Miracles", and inspiration to change your life by changing your beliefs of the ego. Marilyn maintains that your fear is an illusion that does not support a loving life. "Thoughts are things and you can change them", she asserts. You can change the cause and effect in your being, which alters your reality, she stresses. more...

Robert A. Hawkins, 19, opened fire with a rife at a busy shopping mall killing eight people before taking his own life in Omaha. Looking back we had the tragedy at Virginia Tech caused by Cho Seung-Hui. And the first of this series of heartbreaking disasters was Columbine.  more...

News Releases - Addictions

Healthy people do not drive drunk. They are more lucid. It is time to tell the whole truth about "drunk driving". An alcoholic is a sick person, not much different from any other disease. The American Medical Association declared addiction as a disease in 1956. It is a chronic, progressive disease that leads to insanity or death if not intervened, is the definition. These ill people are not treated with compassion or assistance as with other maladies, diseases, or ailments. more...

Robert A. Hawkins, 19, opened fire with a rife at a busy shopping mall killing eight people before taking his own life in Omaha. Looking back we had the tragedy at Virginia Tech caused by Cho Seung-Hui. And the first of this series of heartbreaking disasters was Columbine.  more...

Taking responsibility for your health is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Create your new life of wholeness and joy. A diagnosis does not have to be a life sentence. more...

Violence is a disease that can be part of addiction/alcoholism/drugs or a separate disease process. People act out their pain; it is a cry for help. How do you legislate or punish a genetic, hereditary, and generational disease? The Band-Aid approach of changing behavior does not focus on the deeper problems.  more...

Beware! Increasing the sale of drugs and growing profits are motivating the drug companies to promote prescriptions as an alternative to Alcoholism. more...

Beware! There is a current television advertisement looking for participants to use prescriptions to replace alcoholic drinking. Of course, there is no need to drink when you substitute one drug for another. A pill form for the liquid drug of alcohol still continues the disease without the actual use of alcohol. The body can not differentiate between a liquid or a dry drug. more...

It does not have to be narcotic to be addictive. When is the medical community ready to try other options for patients instead of drugs called medication? One more time a young woman from Tacoma, WA. Tina C., received pain pills to resolve hurting from a car accident.  more...
