Letters to the Editor

Government is for providing services when a single citizen cannot accomplish the task without community. This allows people to take responsibility for their own actions and face their own consequences without outside influences. read more...
The state does not need to keep pumping money into the education pit. The real problem is a need to shift philosophy and attitudes about education. Allow students to blossom and develop as the creative, intuitive, imaginative people they are. Testing suppresses any personal spirit. read more...
Robert A. Hawkins, 19, opened fire with a rife at a busy Omaha shopping mall, killing eight people before taking his own life. Looking back we had the tragedy at Virginia Tech caused by Cho Seung-Hui. And the first of this series of heartbreaking disasters was Columbine. Sadly, these results of drugged youth are a deadly price to others. That the students were on drugs is not widely shared. read more...
There are things that the government does not want you to know. For example, the Justice Department has moved to seal the vaccine-related records of the nearly 1,000 cases of vaccine-damaged children now before the special master of the federal court who hears vaccine injury compensation cases. In the face of a stunning government concession that vaccination led to autism in a vulnerable child, Hannah Polling, even with the obscene protection afforded to it by the Congress against lawsuits and liability, the huge vaccination industry has no wish to see the evidence circulate from highly documented vaccine injury cases.  read more...
Beware! There is a current television advertisement looking for participants to use prescriptions to replace alcoholic drinking. A pill form for the liquid drug of alcohol still continues the disease without the actual use of alcohol. The body can not differentiate between a liquid or dry drug.  read more...
Western medicine ignores alternative medical approaches fearing the loss of their influence. Acupuncture originated in China at least 2500 years ago and spread to other countries. It releases the blocked life force, medically called the biofield, within a person so the energy can flow through out the body appropriately and in a healthful manner. Different societies use terms that fit their culture for this energy. We usually call it chi, prana, energy, essence, soul, or vital life force. Science has weighed this energy before and after death. Kirlian photography captures the bioenergetic field of the person on film.  read more...
The focus of domestic violence this month should be the awareness that it is a part of addiction at a deep subconscious level. Addiction in any form is a progressive illness that leads to insanity or death without intervention according to the American Medical Association.  read more...
It is misleading to believe that tests are the final evaluation of a student’s ability. Sadly, they only test a prescribed range of information. Who establishes the arbitrary number that means success for one and demeans another? Every student is an individual with their own characteristics. Tests only give a number for a designated range of information at the time it is administered. Do we really want to resort to seeing people as a number from one limited assessment or as a person? read more...

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