Letters to the Editor

The truth is drug companies are trying to sell more drugs and replace potential lost revenues from the sale of the liquid drug of liquor companies. Of course, there is no drinking when you substitute one drug for another in pill form. Removing all addictions not changing them is the solution.  read more...
I am sure the nurse who wrote about fluoridation, today, has the health of the public at interest. However, four water companies in Pierce County are appealing a decision that the Board of Health can legally and constitutionally mandate fluoridation. Sadly, the citizens lost the ability to vote their destiny when the Senate and House Bills did not get to the floor of the legislature this spring.read more...
I want to point out that your article on the front page about alcoholism is not accurate reporting about how this disease affects a person. Alcohol is a drug and prescriptions are drugs. To replace one drug with another does not make a person sober or rational. It just changes the addiction. Alcoholism is the tip of the iceberg of deeper more complex medical problems of body and mind.  read more...
Our country has departed from our history’s pioneers in education that provided a creative process producing real education for pupils. The "No child left behind” legislation is a charade. It leads people to believe that everyone is alike in their thinking and with the “right score”, you are successful and intelligent.  read more...
I am concerned about the message relayed by the article, Underage Drinking. The forum had good intentions, but missed the facts about the disease of Alcoholism. Those that have troubles from drinking at any age usually are experiencing a hereditary, genetic predisposition. The American Medical Association declared alcoholism a disease in 1956. They said it is a chronic, progressive disease that leads to insanity or death without intervention.  read more...
Why are people still being told half truths and misinformation about the disease of addiction to alcohol, drugs, and prescription drugs? D.A.R.E. does not explain that it is a disease of body and mind from a biological imbalance of the body that is hereditary.  read more...
Reverend wishes to clarify that the Bible was written by humans, not God Re: "The Bible's word on homosexuality is from God, not from Christians" (Letter, 8/23) read more...
The real problem is that pain is telling your body there is something wrong. The pain is the symptom and not the cause. Medications do not address the origin of the pain. You can not cure a symptom, because below the symptom is the real cause. People deaden their pain with medicine which is proven toxic to our body and does not address the actual dis-ease.  read more...
Good Samaritan Hospital is encouraging people to wear purple to support Domestic Violence victims. Wearing purple is nice, but more helpful is addressing the issues below the surface. Domestic Violence is an addiction to another person at a psyche level. When only the symptoms of a malady are changed, it is superficial. What motivates the behavior of this disease from a deeper level than the conscious behavior is necessary.  read more...
When I read about the results of the WASL in the paper recently, I became unhappy that people have not woken up to the real reasons behind the WASL and its part of the NCLB ACT. read more...

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